On Saturday, September 7th, SBFI is hosting the now-famous “Over The Top” competition, which has reached its 19th edition!
It will take place at the Truck Rally on Via Campo Romano in Spirano, Bergamo.
The categories will be organized as follows:
JUNIORES UNDER 18 DX – SX Kg. 65-70-+70
YOUTH UNDER 23 DX – SX Kg. 70-75-80-+80
ESORDIENTI DX – SX Kg. 65-70-75-80-85-90-100-+100
SENIOR DX – SX Kg. 65-70-80-90-100-110-+110
MASTER DX – SX Kg. 75-80-90-+90
FEMMINILI DX – SX Kg. 60-+60
Weigh-ins and registration: from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Competition start: 5:00 PM.
Info: Carabelli Lorenzo Tel. 347 8715371 – Rizza Claudio Tel. 347 6499125